Latest News > Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyaag Tandav 31st July 2024 Written Update

Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyaag Tandav 31st July 2024 Written Update

Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyaag Tandav 31st July 2024 Written Update
Shiv Shakti – Tap Tyaag Tandav 31st July 2024 Written Update (Image Via Colors Tv liv)

Shiv Shakti

On July 31st, the episode begins with everyone gathering for Lord Shiv’s aarti. They notice that Mata Parvati is missing. Lord Shiv calls out to her, and she apologizes for not being ready. She wants Ganesh as the gatekeeper while she takes a bath and takes Ganesh away. When Mata Parvati returns, everyone is shocked to see her. Kartikeya informs her that she went to bathe with Ganesh, which surprises her.

Shiv Shakti –  Mata Parvati transforms

Meanwhile, Ganesh asks Mata Parvati why they are going a different way. Suddenly, Mata Parvati transforms into Jalandhar, who says Ganesh must go where he is being taken. Jalandhar reveals his sadness over not obtaining Lord Shiv’s trishul and admits he deceived Shiv to kidnap Ganesh.

Mata Parvati becomes worried about Ganesh. Lord Shiv assures her that Ganesh will be safe and leaves to bring him back. Kartikeya questions Mata Parvati about Jalandhar’s power. She reassures him that Lord Shiv will soon return with Ganesh.

Shiv Shakti– Jalandhar expresses his reluctance

Jalandhar tells Ganesh they should fight until Lord Shiv arrives. Ganesh remembers overhearing a conversation between Shiv and Parvati about Jalandhar. He expresses his reluctance to fight and asks Jalandhar if he can call him brother. Jalandhar insists they are enemies, not siblings. Ganesh says Jalandhar is like a brother to him. Jalandhar then readies his weapon and tells Ganesh to do the same.

Ganesh hugs Jalandhar and asks him to accept him as a brother. Jalandhar calls Ganesh a coward and tells him to let go. Ganesh suggests Jalandhar is hungry and offers to go to the ocean with him, as Ganesh has never been there. Jalandhar, frustrated, tells Ganesh to release him.

Shiv Shakti– Jalandhar turns Ganesh into a rock

At that moment, Lord Shiv arrives and orders Jalandhar to let Ganesh go. In response, Jalandhar turns Ganesh into a rock and demands Vasuki and Chandra dev for Ganesh’s release. Shukracharya observes, thinking Jalandhar is Lord Shiv’s most powerful enemy. Jalandhar urges Lord Shiv not to waste time.

Lord Shiv tells Vasuki and Chandra dev he needs to sacrifice them temporarily. They leave, and Lord Shiv becomes emotional. Jalandhar mocks Shiv, calling him a yogi and demands Kailash and Mata Parvati. Lord Shiv, enraged, declares that Jalandhar’s end has begun and orders him to release Ganesh. Jalandhar, satisfied with his demands, frees Ganesh and warns that he will soon take Kailash and make Mata Parvati his maid. Lord Shiv vows that Jalandhar will pay for his actions.

The episode concludes on this tense note.

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