News: The hugely popular manga series Oshi No Ko, written by Aka Akasaka and illustrated by Mengo Yokoyari, has won the hearts of fans all over the world. In this weekly Japanese manga, the lives of a doctor and his deceased patient, who are reborn as twins to a famous Japanese pop idol, take center stage. As they embark on their journey together, they must navigate the unpredictable highs and lows of the country’s entertainment industry. This captivating manga offers readers a compelling glimpse into the intriguing world of showbiz.
In anticipation of Chapter 131 of Oshi No Ko, devoted fans are eagerly awaiting its release. In this article, we will furnish you with essential details, including the release date, potential spoilers, and where to access it.
Release Date of Oshi No Ko Chapter 131
Chapter 131 of Oshi No Ko is set to be officially released on November 8, 2023. It’s important to note that the date and timing of the release may vary depending on your region’s time zone. Here is a breakdown of the release schedule for different countries and regions:
- Japan: November 8, 2023, at 08:30 PM
- South Korea: November 8, 2023, at 08:30 PM
- Australia: November 8, 2023, at 09:30 PM
- India: November 8, 2023, at 05:00 PM
- Thailand: November 8, 2023, at 06:30 PM
- New York (USA): November 8, 2023, at 07:30 AM
Make sure to check the release timings according to your specific region.
Where to Read Oshi No Ko Chapter 131
For those eager to immerse themselves in the latest chapter of Oshi No Ko, you can find it on the Manga Plus platform. This platform provides a user-friendly and easily accessible way to enjoy manga online. The series follows the lives of Goro, an OB-GYN leading a tranquil life in the countryside, and his adored idol, Ai Hoshino, as she embarks on her path to stardom. Aka Akasaka and Mengo Yokoyari masterfully delve into the captivating and surprising realm of the entertainment industry in this gripping series.
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Spoilers for Oshi No Ko Chapter 131
Although spoilers for Chapter 131 of Oshi No Ko have yet to surface, it’s customary for spoilers and raw scans to circulate online a few days prior to the official release date. Fans can anticipate potential spoilers for Chapter 131 becoming accessible around November 5, 2023. Rest assured, we will keep you informed should the spoilers become available as anticipated.
Recap of Oshi No Ko Chapter 130
Chapter 130 of Oshi No Ko delivered thrilling revelations. Director Gotanda employed cunning tactics to manipulate Ruby into adopting Ai’s perspective and confronting her pent-up emotions. Disguised as a critic, Gotanda insulted Ai, triggering a confrontation with Ruby. Ruby, with her star-shaped eyes mirroring her mother’s appearance, revealed a deep connection between them. This revelation hints at an impending plot development centered around Ruby’s identity crisis, setting the stage for Chapter 131.
Oshi No Ko has amassed a massive global fanbase, with successful anime adaptations of the manga series. Every week, readers eagerly anticipate the latest chapter. While no spoilers are currently available, fans can anticipate an emotionally charged continuation. The release date for Oshi No Ko Chapter 131 is scheduled for November 8, 2023. Stay tuned for another thrilling installment in this beloved manga series.
Q: When will Chapter 131 of Oshi No Ko be released?
A: Chapter 131 of Oshi No Ko will be officially released on November 8, 2023.
Q: Where can I read Oshi No Ko Chapter 131?
A: You can read Oshi No Ko Chapter 131 on the Manga Plus platform.
Q: Are there any spoilers available for Chapter 131?
A: Spoilers for Chapter 131 have not been released yet, but they are expected to become available around November 5, 2023.