Latest News > Modern Warfare 3: Paint The Target (Act 3 Tier 2) Mission Guide

Modern Warfare 3: Paint The Target (Act 3 Tier 2) Mission Guide


How to Locate and Deal with the Mercenary Convoy in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies

News: In the mission ‘Modern Warfare 3 Zombies Paint the Target Act 3 Tier 2,’ it is essential to pinpoint and neutralize the Mercenary Convoy. This guide is designed to assist you in successfully completing this task and securing valuable rewards throughout the process.

Finding the Mercenary Convoy: modern warfare

To commence, verify that you have procured Precision Airstrikes, which can be obtained from Buy Stations using Essence Points. Accumulate sufficient Essence Points by fulfilling contracts and completing objectives. Upon securing Precision Airstrikes, embark on a vehicle and navigate towards the highway within the Tier 2 zone. Upon nearing the Zaravan Suburbs, the convoy will be highlighted on your mini-map with three red vehicle indicators. Strategically position your vehicle to obstruct their path, compelling them to exit their vehicles. After establishing a secure distance, deploy the Precision Airstrike to obliterate the convoy.

Finding Merc Camps: modern warfare

Consult your tactical map to locate Merc Camps, which will be marked with tent icons. These camps are teeming with Mercenaries, so it is wise to choose the most open one to maximize your kills using the Precision Airstrike.N Initiate the Airstrike on the designated camp in order to fulfill the mission’s objectives.


Upon accomplishing the ‘Paint the Target’ mission, you will receive valuable rewards to enhance your capabilities in challenging game tiers:

1. Tombstone Soda Can: This item proves invaluable in challenging situations. In the unfortunate event of your demise, a tombstone is generated with your loot, allowing retrieval in the next deployment.

2. 2500 XP Bonus: Additionally, you earn an extra 2500 experience points for successfully completing the mission.

By adhering to these simple steps, you can efficiently locate and neutralize the Mercenary Convoy, assault the Merc Camps, and reap the rewards awaiting you in Modern Warfare 3 Zombies.


Q: How can I obtain Precision Airstrikes?

To acquire Precision Airstrikes, you can purchase them from Buy Stations using Essence Points in the game.

Q: How do I accumulate Essence Points?

You can earn Essence Points by successfully completing contracts and achieving objectives within the game.

Q: What occurs if I perish during the mission?

If you meet an untimely demise during the mission, a tombstone is generated with your loot, enabling you to recover it in the subsequent deployment.

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