Latest News > Mangal Lakshmi 25th July 2024 Written Update

Mangal Lakshmi 25th July 2024 Written Update

Mangal Lakshmi 25th July 2024 Written Update
Mangal Lakshmi 25th July 2024 Written Update (image via Colors TV)

Mangal Lakshmi

In the episode of “Mangal Lakshmi” aired on July 25, 2024, Lakshmi confronts Mangal, insisting on knowing what really happened that night since she knows Mangal did not go to the temple as she claimed. Mangal, surprised, asks how Lakshmi found out, but Lakshmi says it doesn’t matter. She questions why Mangal hasn’t told anyone the truth. Their conversation is interrupted by Lipika, who notices their secretive talk and inquires about it. Mangal brushes it off, suggesting to Lakshmi that they should attend to their guests.

Later, Karthik asks Lakshmi if she has learned anything. Lakshmi admits that Mangal hasn’t revealed anything to her yet.

Mangal Lakshmi- Adit receives a distressing call

Meanwhile, Adit receives a distressing call from Sowmya, who tells him she has been thrown out of her house after Kalpana discovered his marriage. Sowmya, feeling humiliated, talks about contemplating suicide. Adit urgently tells her not to make any drastic decisions and assures her that he is coming to her immediately.

Lakshmi confronts Adit, demanding to know what happened the day he left Mangal on the road. Adit rudely tells Lakshmi to stay out of his business and leaves.

Mangal Lakshmi- Karthik approaches Mangal

Karthik approaches Mangal, who questions why he is bringing glasses there and if he needs anything. Karthik insists that he just wants the truth about what happened that day. Lakshmi joins them, pressing Mangal to reveal the truth.

Adit reaches Sowmya and comforts her, suggesting they stay in a hotel for now and move to a new flat later. They exchange “I love you” and are seen by Lipika from a distance.

Karthik and Lakshmi continue to press Mangal for the truth, suspecting Adit of wrongdoing. Mangal insists that Adit hasn’t done anything wrong and takes the blame upon herself. Karthik and Lakshmi urge her to stop protecting Adit and tell the truth. Karthik suspects Adit might have stolen money and blamed Mangal, but Mangal vehemently defends her husband, lashing out at Karthik. Gayatri witnesses this and intervenes, scolding Mangal for her tone against Karthik, who respects her deeply.

Kusum arrives and asks Gayatri what happened. Gayatri explains that Mangal was scolding Karthik. Karthik admits it was his fault, but Gayatri tells him to be quiet. Kusum, disappointed, asks Mangal to explain what they were discussing.

Mangal Lakshmi- Adit spots Lipika

Meanwhile, Adit spots Lipika, who confronts him about his relationship with Sowmya. Adit tries to cover up, but Lipika reveals she overheard his phone conversation and confirms her suspicions. She threatens to tell Mangal, but Adit convinces her to let him drive her home, leaving Sowmya to handle the situation.

Lakshmi explains to Kusum why they were questioning Mangal, leaving Kusum shocked by the revelation.

The episode ends with the tension high as secrets and accusations swirl, leaving viewers eager to see what will happen next in the unfolding drama.

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