Latest News > Imlie Today’s Full Episode 4th November 2023 Written Update

Imlie Today’s Full Episode 4th November 2023 Written Update


Update on the November 4th, 2023 episode of Imlie TV Show

Imlie asks Agastya to join in the pooja

News: In the most recent episode of the TV show Imlie, Agastya surprisingly agrees to Imlie’s request to join her in the pooja ceremony for the sake of their family. She believes that their presence together will demonstrate their happiness and contentment. As a sign of unity, Agastya holds Imlie’s hand during the ceremony.

Sonali’s unexpected arrival

In a surprising turn of events, Sonali, Agastya’s mother, pays an unannounced visit to Pallo’s residence, leaving Bulbul and Pallo utterly astonished. Sonali shares her feelings of being deceived by Bulbul and Pallo, who had pretended to be wealthy. Meanwhile, Imlie, known for her caring nature, serves traditional Indian frozen dessert kulfi to her family, which stirs up deep emotions. This act is particularly touching for Daadi, who fondly remembers her late husband’s love for kulfi. Agastya too becomes emotional upon hearing Daadi’s heartfelt words.

Agastya’s emotional outburst

In a deeply emotional moment, Agastya enters the house with tears streaming down his face. Imlie notices his vulnerability and extends a comforting gesture, offering him some kulfi while assuring him that it’s even better than ice cream. She can’t help but wonder why Agastya always becomes teary-eyed whenever he hears about his deceased family members. However, Sonali, taking a different approach, advises Imlie to cease her acting and suggests that she save the kulfi, implying that she might end up taking over Agastya’s family business in the future.

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Agastya’s plans for the future

Meanwhile, in a private conversation with his lawyer, Agastya reveals his eagerness for a quick transfer of the company shares into his name. While talking to Agastya, Imlie shares a heartfelt memory about how much his late father, Govind, cherished the kulfi she used to make. Surprisingly, Agastya, despite the emotional connection to the dessert, requests her to stay focused on her duties and leave once they are completed. On the other hand, Sonali seeks support and turns to Alka, another family member, to discuss her own struggles. Alka advises Sonali to toughen up and concentrate on winning back Agastya’s business, prioritizing their family’s interests.

A gesture of reconciliation

Emotions welling up inside her,  finds herself in tears as she remembers the betrayals of Sonali, Agastya’s mistreatment of Alka, and the cruel treatment she and her sister Kairi endured at the hands of Pallo during their childhood. In a heartfelt attempt to make amends, Agastya offers  a scarf as a symbol of reconciliation. Their exchange leaves both of them with genuine smiles on their faces, hinting at the possibility of resolving their conflicts and moving forward together.

The pooja ceremony

During the pooja ceremony, Amma,  mother, takes charge of the rituals and offers guidance to Imlie, encouraging her to seek blessings from the Goddess. Daadi, on the other hand, sternly rebukes Sonali for her absence during the pooja at her in-laws’ house, while Imlie gently reminds Sonali to respect her boundaries.

Meanwhile, Alka contemplates the possibility that Imlie, not Sonali, might now be the owner of the mansion they are in. As a prelude to the ritual, Imlie captivates everyone with her mesmerizing rendition of a devotional song (bhajan). Seizing the moment, Sonali decides to reveal the truth to Imlie’s impoverished family by bringing them into the house during the ceremony, thereby exposing the reality of their situation.


Q: Why did Agastya become emotional during the kulfi scene?

A: Agastya’s emotional response stemmed from the memories of his deceased family members and their love for kulfi.

Q: What did Sonali advise Imlie regarding Agastya’s family business?

A: Sonali urged Imlie to stop her drama and safeguard the kulfi in case she takes over Agastya’s family business.

Q: What happened during the pooja ceremony?

A: The pooja ceremony witnessed Amma performing the rituals, Sonali revealing the truth to Imlie’s impoverished family, and Imlie reminding Sonali about her boundaries.

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