Latest News > BhagyaLakshmi 26th July 2024 Written Update

BhagyaLakshmi 26th July 2024 Written Update

BhagyaLakshmi 26th July 2024 Written Update
BhagyaLakshmi 26th July 2024 Written Update (Image via Zee Tv liv)


In the episode of “BhagyaLakshmi” aired on July 26, 2024, the story unfolds with Paro coming home from school. She sees the colony kids playing and eagerly joins them. Meanwhile, Shalu notices Paro is far away and asks Lakshmi what’s troubling her. Lakshmi reveals that Neelam has been calling her repeatedly, but she has ignored the calls. Shalu warns that ignoring Neelam might hurt her ego, but Lakshmi insists she doesn’t want to lose Paro to anyone.

Neelam, feeling vengeful, tells Rano that she will ruin those who hurt her. Rano rebukes her, but Neelam persists, asking Rano to warn Lakshmi that she has invited trouble into her life.

BhagyaLakshmi- Rishi complains to Ayush

Rishi complains to Ayush that Lakshmi is ignoring him and suspects she thinks he’s trying to take Paro away from her. Ayush explains that Lakshmi is very scared of losing her only daughter. Lakshmi calls Paro inside, but Paro asks for more time to talk to her friend about her doll. Neelam and Aanchal leave without noticing Paro and Lakshmi.

Rishi tells Ayush that Lakshmi wouldn’t be scared if she just talked to him. Ayush reminds him that Lakshmi has had bad experiences in the past, making it hard for her to trust again. He advises Rishi to understand Lakshmi’s perspective. Rishi reflects on Ayush’s words.

Rano hears the doorbell and, assuming it’s Neelam and Aanchal again, opens the door in frustration. She finds Lakshmi, Shalu, and Paro at the door. Rano sends Paro inside and tells Lakshmi about Neelam’s warning. Understanding Neelam’s intentions, Lakshmi starts packing their belongings. Rano asks what’s going on, and Lakshmi explains that Neelam plans to separate her from Paro. She decides they must leave immediately. Paro questions why they are packing, and Lakshmi lies, saying they are going to the village to take care of a sick Dadi. Paro asks if they will return, and Lakshmi assures her they will.

BhagyaLakshmi- Anushka advises Malishka

Anushka sees Malishka in the kitchen and questions her about cooking. Malishka explains she is preparing food for Rohan. Anushka advises her to focus on Rishi instead. Malishka confidently states that Neelam will remove Lakshmi from her and Rishi’s life. Anushka doubts Neelam’s power but Malishka insists that Neelam can do anything to fulfill her promise. Anushka warns Malishka that Rishi loves Lakshmi and would do anything for her, causing Malishka to shout at Anushka.

Rano takes Lakshmi, Paro, and Shalu to the bus stand. Lakshmi thanks Rano for her help, but Rano brushes it off. They board the bus and leave. Malishka, frustrated, reveals to Anushka that Rishi only loves her, not Lakshmi.

During the bus ride, Lakshmi confides in Shalu, feeling guilty about taking Paro away from Rishi. Shalu reassures her, saying they will face any problem together. Paro also tries to comfort Lakshmi, showing her support.

Malishka tells Anushka how Rishi used to love her before Lakshmi entered his life. She claims she arranged Rishi’s marriage to Lakshmi to save his life, but Lakshmi took advantage of it and made him fall for her. Malishka insists that Rishi still loves her and no one else.

As the bus moves forward, Lakshmi thinks about Rishi and becomes emotional. Shalu notices and asks why. Lakshmi admits she feels guilty for depriving Paro of her father’s love. Shalu tries to console her, telling her not to overthink.

Meanwhile, Anushka apologizes to Malishka for her earlier comments. Malishka warns Anushka to think twice before speaking next time.

Rishi and Ayush arrive at Rano’s house to meet Lakshmi, but Rano tells them she isn’t there. The episode ends with a police car shown chasing Lakshmi’s bus, adding a suspenseful twist to the story.

This episode highlights Lakshmi’s fears and the lengths she will go to protect her daughter, Paro, while dealing with the threats posed by Neelam and Malishka. Viewers are left eagerly anticipating the next episode to see how the story unfolds.

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