On August 21, 2024, in the popular television series Suhaagan, the drama unfolded in a gripping manner that left viewers on the edge of their seats. The episode begins with a tense confrontation between Swara and her husband. Swara shocks everyone when she reveals that it wasn’t a snake that bit her, but rather a “poisonous human being.” This startling accusation takes Vedant and others by surprise, as they struggle to comprehend what could have led to Swara nearly losing her life.
Suhaagan- Swara assures Vedant
Swara, determined to uncover the truth, assures Vedant that she will reveal everything and identify the real culprit. Meanwhile, Koyel, another key character, becomes increasingly anxious. She fears that if Swara’s suspicions are correct and her role in the incident is exposed, she could be thrown out of the house. Swara accuses Koyel of planting the snake, but Koyel, armed with proof, defends herself by claiming she was at the temple when the incident occurred. This leaves Swara bewildered, questioning how it could be possible.
Suhaagan- Koyel breaks down in tears
Koyel, in a dramatic turn of events, breaks down in tears, playing the victim to perfection. Vedant, seeing this, sternly warns Swara that if she continues to accuse Koyel without evidence, he won’t hesitate to take action against her. Prabha, a supportive figure, stands by Swara’s side, advising her to rest and recover. After the others leave, Manjuri, another ally, approaches Swara, cautioning her that bringing down Koyel won’t be easy. It will require time and patience to gather the necessary evidence.
Suhaagan- Swara reviews the CCTV footage
Swara, not one to give up easily, reviews the CCTV footage of the incident. She notices a mysterious woman with her face covered by a veil in the house before the accident. Swara quickly realizes that this woman must be the pawn Koyel sent to harm her. With this new lead, Swara resolves to find out who this woman is.
The next day at breakfast, tensions rise again. Prabha is asked to bring the grandmother to the table to join the family for the meal. Koyel, visibly irritated, struggles to hide her disdain as she watches Prabha and the grandmother together. Swara, always observant, notices a bangle on Prabha’s wrist that she had seen on the veiled woman in the CCTV footage. This discovery further fuels her suspicions. Later, Swara also finds the saree she had noticed in the footage, confirming her doubts.
Confronting Prabha, Swara demands to know why she tried to poison her. The revelation that Prabha, whom she had been helping to regain her position and rights in the house, was the one who betrayed her, deeply hurts Swara. The pain of betrayal, she feels, is worse than the poison itself. However, Swara also believes that Prabha must have been coerced into doing such a terrible thing. Prabha, cornered and guilt-ridden, finally confesses. She explains that she didn’t want to kill Swara but was forced into it. Koyel had blackmailed her, threatening to give Vedant a medicine that would induce a heart attack if she didn’t comply.
The episode concludes on a tense note with another subplot involving Abhimanyu and Dhwani. When Abhimanyu tries to bring Dhwani a flower vase, hoping to please her, Dhwani, in a fit of frustration, throws it on the floor. This action underscores her dissatisfaction and the strain in their relationship, leaving viewers eager to see how these tensions will unfold in future episodes.
Episode ends.