Latest News > Rabb Se Hai Dua 12th August 2024 Written Update

Rabb Se Hai Dua 12th August 2024 Written Update

Rabb Se Hai Dua 12th August 2024 Written Update
Rabb Se Hai Dua 12th August 2024 Written Update (image via Sony liv.)

Rabb Se Hai Dua

On August 12, 2024, the drama in “Rabb Se Hai Dua” took an intense turn as tensions between Mannat and Ibaadat reached a boiling point. The episode begins with Subhan, overwhelmed by anger after being manipulated by Mannat and Farhan. He struggles to believe that his own wife, Ibaadat, could have betrayed him, and he decides to seek revenge on her.

Meanwhile, Ibaadat grows increasingly anxious as Subhan has yet to return home. Hameeda, sensing her unease, enters her room and advises her to stay close to her husband, warning that Mannat might try to influence him. Hameeda expresses her fear that Mannat could come between Ibaadat and Subhan, potentially ruining their relationship. This concern reminds Hameeda of a past mistake made by Dua, another character in the story, who faced a similar situation.

Curious and suspicious, Ibaadat presses Hameeda to reveal what happened to Dua. Initially reluctant, Hameeda eventually shares the story. She explains that an ego clash developed between Dua and her husband, leading to the loss of their love. Dua failed to recognize the gravity of the situation until it was too late, and she ended up losing everything she held dear.

Understanding the lesson behind Hameeda’s story, Ibaadat realizes the dangers of misunderstandings in a relationship. She vows not to neglect her husband anymore and promises to protect their relationship from any outside interference, especially from Mannat. Ibaadat is determined to mend her relationship and be more attentive to her husband.

As this is happening, Mannat enters the house, feeling proud of her manipulative tactics. She revels in her perceived success and the happiness it brings her. However, her confidence is soon challenged when Ibaadat confronts her. Ibaadat demands to know where Mannat went with Subhan. Mannat nonchalantly responds that they went on a long drive, pretending to be deeply in love with him. This revelation shocks Ibaadat, who is taken aback by Mannat’s boldness.

In a moment of brutal honesty, Mannat confesses the truth to Ibaadat. She reveals her intentions to break up Ibaadat and Subhan, confidently declaring that she is in love with Subhan and will not let him go. Ibaadat, stunned by Mannat’s audacity, reminds her that Subhan is her husband. However, Mannat dismisses her words, pointing out the lack of intimacy and emotional connection in Ibaadat’s marriage. Mannat’s careless behavior and blatant disregard for Ibaadat’s feelings push Ibaadat to her breaking point.

In a fit of anger and frustration, Ibaadat slaps Mannat. The slap symbolizes Ibaadat’s desperate attempt to assert control and defend her marriage. But the conflict doesn’t end there. Ibaadat then reveals a dirty video involving Mannat, which she had kept secret to protect Mannat’s reputation. She admits to bribing Farhan to prevent the video from being leaked, all in an effort to shield Mannat from public shame. Ibaadat’s actions were driven by a desire to protect Mannat, but now she sees that Mannat has been using her kindness to her advantage.

Mannat, realizing the gravity of the situation, tries to mend fences with Ibaadat. She attempts to be nice, hoping to smooth things over. However, Ibaadat sees through Mannat’s facade and understands that Mannat has been pretending all along. The episode ends with Ibaadat standing her ground, refusing to let Mannat destroy her marriage.

The unfolding drama in “Rabb Se Hai Dua” highlights the complexities of relationships and the consequences of manipulation and deceit. Ibaadat’s resolve to protect her marriage and Mannat’s relentless pursuit of Subhan set the stage for even more intense confrontations in the episodes to come. As the story progresses, viewers are left wondering how these characters will navigate the challenges ahead and whether Ibaadat can truly save her relationship from Mannat’s scheming ways. The stakes are high, and the drama is far from over.

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