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Maati Se Bandhi Dor 17th August 2024 Written Update

Maati Se Bandhi Dor 17th August 2024 Written Update
Maati Se Bandhi Dor 17th August 2024 Written Update (image via HotStar)

Maati Se Bandhi Dor

On August 17, 2024, the daily events in the lives of the characters from the show Maati Se Bandhi Dor took an unexpected turn, leading to a series of dramatic moments. The day began with Rannvijay hard at work at the mill, where Vaiju found herself hesitant to approach him. Meanwhile, Ragini had an online sitar class scheduled and called Vaiju, requesting her to pick up Arhaan from school since the timing clashed with her class. Vaiju, always willing to help, agreed and assured Ragini that she would take care of it.

As Vaiju prepared to leave, she noticed Rannvijay’s sour mood and decided to inform Jaikant about her errand, assuring him she would return within an hour. When Vaiju arrived at the school, she suggested to Arhaan that they walk home together. However, the young boy insisted on traveling by car, showing his reluctance to walk in the heat and dust.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor- Vaiju agreed to take an auto rickshaw

Vaiju, trying to make the journey fun for Arhaan, offered to give him a piggyback ride, but he quickly refused, saying he was too old for that. After some persuasion, Vaiju agreed to take an auto rickshaw. Unfortunately, they didn’t realize that the driver was intoxicated. It wasn’t long before Vaiju noticed the erratic way the driver was handling the vehicle. Despite her requests to slow down, the driver continued to drive recklessly, causing Arhaan to become scared.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor- Vaiju took control of the auto rickshaw

The situation escalated when the driver almost collided with another vehicle, leading to a heated argument. Sensing the danger, Vaiju made the brave decision to take control of the auto rickshaw herself. This bold move attracted the attention of bystanders, who began recording the incident on their phones. Among those who saw the video was Jaikant, who quickly brought it to Rannvijay’s attention, fueling his concern and anger. He pointed out that Vaiju had left work without proper notice and was now risking Arhaan’s safety.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor- Vaiju and Arhaan reached home

When Vaiju and Arhaan finally reached home, Arhaan, far from being shaken, was excited by the adventure. He eagerly shared his experience with everyone, even asking Vaiju to pick him up from school every day. Ragini, who was also concerned about her son’s safety, told Arhaan to calm down. But the atmosphere quickly turned tense again when Rannvijay, accompanied by Jaikant, arrived home in a fury. He demanded an explanation from Vaiju, wanting to know why she left the mill and why she was driving an auto rickshaw.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor- Ragini supported Vaiju

Ragini immediately stepped in to support Vaiju, explaining that she had requested Vaiju to pick Arhaan from school. Vaiju then recounted the events, explaining how the driver’s drunken state forced her to take control of the vehicle for their safety. Just as things seemed to calm down, the situation took another turn. A group of auto rickshaw drivers gathered outside Moide Patil’s house, accusing Vaiju of stealing the vehicle.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor- Rannvijay defended Vaiju’s actions

Rannvijay, now firmly on Vaiju’s side, defended her actions, explaining to the crowd that the original driver was drunk, which justified Vaiju’s decision to take over. The scene became chaotic as the driver tried to paint Vaiju as a thief, but Rannvijay stood his ground, asserting that Vaiju had done nothing wrong. To further prove her innocence, Vaiju produced a bottle of alcohol from the driver’s belongings, challenging the others to smell it and confirm his intoxicated state.

Maati Se Bandhi Dor- Driver apologized to Vaiju

Nagraj, likely an authority figure in the community, was called upon by Vaiju to explain the legal consequences for the driver’s actions. Realizing the gravity of his situation, the driver pleaded with Nagraj not to revoke his license. Rannvijay, maintaining his stance, demanded that the driver apologize to Vaiju before leaving. Despite the seriousness of the situation, Rannvijay managed to lighten the mood by joking with Vaiju, warning her that next time, he would deduct her salary if she left without informing him.

Later, as the dust settled, Jaya attempted to speak with Rannvijay, but he remained distant, still holding on to memories of their earlier argument. Meanwhile, Vasundhara, another character in the mix, observed the tension between them. As the day wound down, Rannvijay asked for tea, and Vaiju, showing her appreciation for his earlier support, brought him a special tea. She expressed her gratitude for his defense during the confrontation with the auto drivers, to which Rannvijay responded with a smile.

The episode concluded on a light note, with Jaya playfully covering Rannvijay’s eyes from behind, causing him to mistakenly think it was Vaiju. This moment of mistaken identity brought a brief respite from the day’s drama, but the events of August 17, 2024, had certainly left their mark on everyone involved.

Episode ends.

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