Latest News > How to charge items with batteries in Lethal Company? interesting news

How to charge items with batteries in Lethal Company? interesting news


Lethal Company's Unique Recharge Mechanic

News: Immersed in the enthralling realm of “Lethal Company,” players confront the task of navigating deserted moons while safeguarding their existence. A pivotal element of the game involves a clever recharge mechanism that intertwines exploration and resource oversight. This feature urges players to tactically revisit the main ship for recharging their battery-operated tools, introducing an additional level of intensity to the gaming experience.

Battery-Powered Items for Survival

Crucial to the survival of players in the ominous settings of “Lethal Company” are battery-powered tools such as the flashlight, pro-flashlight, walkie-talkie, laser pointer, and hair dryer. The flashlight is indispensable for brightening dim surroundings, whereas the pro-flashlight, although energy-efficient, necessitates periodic recharging. Facilitating communication and coordination among players, the walkie-talkie serves a vital role, while the laser pointer proves handy for indicating targets or specific locations. The purpose of the hair dryer in the game remains shrouded in mystery, leaving players intrigued about its specific function.

The Recharge Process

Replenishing the charge of battery-powered tools in “Lethal Company” follows a straightforward sequence of steps. The initial step involves returning to the primary ship or base, where the recharging procedure can be initiated. Upon reaching the ship, players must ensure that the specific battery-powered item they intend to recharge is equipped in their inventory.

Positioned on the wall next to the terminal within the main ship is a wireless battery charger. To commence the recharging process, players should approach the charger while holding the battery-powered item and press the designated key, typically the “E” key, as prompted in the game interface. The recharge unfolds swiftly, requiring only a few seconds. Players can track their progress by observing the yellow bar indicator associated with the item. When the yellow bar reaches its maximum capacity, it signals that the item is fully recharged and prepared for immediate use.

Managing Battery Levels for Survival

Proactive management of battery levels stands as a pivotal element for player survival in “Lethal Company.” Ensuring a steady power supply for future expeditions, players are required to routinely recharge their battery-powered equipment upon returning to the main ship. The game employs a visual representation of battery levels, manifested as a small yellow bar positioned at the top-left corner of the screen. This bar serves as an indicator of the energy reserves in the player’s gadgets and functions as a gauge for their overall well-being.

As players utilize items such as flashlights or walkie-talkies, the yellow bar gradually depletes. Once it reaches complete depletion, the gadgets cease to function until they undergo recharging. Consequently, it becomes imperative for players to regularly monitor this bar, ensuring that their items maintain sufficient power to support their lunar explorations.

The distinctive recharge mechanic featured in “Lethal Company” introduces a unique dimension to the gameplay, requiring players to tactically oversee their battery-powered items. Through a strategic return to the main ship and the utilization of the wireless battery charger, players can guarantee that their tools are completely recharged and at their disposal for future expeditions. The monitoring of battery levels, indicated by the yellow bar, is paramount for players to remain well-prepared and avert potential encounters with darkness or the perils present on the moons. Vigilantly observing this yellow bar ensures that players’ gadgets possess ample power to sustain their exploration endeavors in “Lethal Company.”


1. What are the consequences of forgetting to recharge battery-powered items in “Lethal Company”?

If you forget to recharge your battery-powered items in “Lethal Company,” they will eventually run out of power and become unusable. Regularly checking and recharging your batteries is crucial for ensuring your survival in the game.

2. Are there additional battery chargers to be found in the game?

While the main ship’s wireless battery charger is the primary recharge station, it’s possible that you may come across additional chargers scattered throughout the game. Thorough exploration of the moons could reveal other charging stations.

3. Can I enhance the battery capacity of my items in “Lethal Company”?

Currently, there are no upgrades available to increase the battery capacity of items in “Lethal Company.” Effective management of your battery usage and regular recharging is vital for survival.

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