Latest News > Genghis Khan Net Worth : Details About at, Lands, Gold, Horses, Death, Castles

Genghis Khan Net Worth : Details About at, Lands, Gold, Horses, Death, Castles


The Wealth of Genghis Khan

News: Genghis Khan, the originator of the Mongol Empire, is commonly acknowledged as one of history’s most triumphant conquerors and affluent personalities. Adjusted for the present-day value, his estimated net worth of $120 trillion US dollars eclipses that of any other historical figure, surpassing even the combined wealth of all the world’s companies, a sum three times greater than their collective net worth.

The Vast Empire

Genghis Khan ruled a massive empire, covering an incredible 15 million square miles across Asia and Europe. He conquered lands like China, Syria, Korea, Russia, and the Middle East. If we put a price tag on this vast territory in today’s terms, it would be an astounding $90 trillion US dollars.

The Treasures of Genghis Khan

Apart from owning huge chunks of land, he had an immense treasure trove of precious metals, especially gold and diamonds. His stash included more than 200,000 tonnes of gold, valued at an impressive $10 trillion dollars in today’s market. He amassed this enormous wealth by conquering mineral-rich territories in China and Mongolia, where he found substantial deposits of precious metals.

The Horse Collection

He was also known for his impressive horse collection. He owned a staggering 270,000 horses, each valued at $5,000. The total value of his horse collection amounted to an astonishing $13 billion dollars.

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A Wealthy Legacy

Born in 1162 in what is now northern Mongolia, Genghis Khan achieved remarkable military success by relying on strategic brilliance and trusted generals. When he passed away in 1227, he left behind a formidable army of over 129,000 men, dividing it among his brothers and sons. In line with his tribe’s customs, he wished to be laid to rest without any markings.

Genghis Khan’s empire covered vast lands and substantial wealth. His riches were inherited by his children, establishing him as the wealthiest person in history. With extensive land holdings, valuable metal possessions, and an impressive collection of horses, he remains one of the richest figures in human history.


Q: How did Genghis Khan acquire his wealth?

A: Genghis Khan acquired his immense wealth through his conquests and the acquisition of mineral-rich lands that contained significant deposits of precious metals, particularly gold.

Q: What was the value of Genghis Khan’s horse collection?

A: Genghis Khan’s horse collection, totaling 270,000 horses, was valued at $13 billion dollars.

Q: Who inherited Genghis Khan’s wealth after his death?

A: Genghis Khan’s wealth was divided among his brothers and sons, as per his request and the customs of his tribe.

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