Admission Details for Common University Entrance Test/ CUET UG 2023 :

Exam Name – Common University Entrance Test 2023 CUET UG
What is Common University Entrance Test ? – CUET UG
A Common University Entrance Test CUET UG will be conducted from the academic year 2023-24 for admission to undergraduate courses of central universities across India. This exam will be conducted by National Testing Agency (NTA). Through this, admission will be done in undergraduate courses of all universities. However, this year only Central Universities will come under the ambit of this exam. UGC has asked all types of universities (state, deemed, private) to use CUET scores for admission to their undergraduate courses, if they so desire.
Educational Qualification / Eligibility for NTA CUET UG 2023 Application Form : Students who have passed / appearing Class 12th (Intermediate) Examination will be eligible for the CUET UG Exam 2023.
NOTE : Universities may decide the minimum percentage in class 12th along with the CUET UG score for the admission criteria. As Universities are autonomous institutions, it depends upon them as to what should be the minimum pass percentage of 12th.
Note – छात्रो से ये अनुरोध किया जाता है की वो अपना फॉर्म भरने से पहले Official Notification को ध्यान से जरूर पढे उसके बाद ही अपना फॉर्म भरे ।
CUET Exam Pattern 2023 –
For Common University Entrance Test, Students will have to answer multiple choice questions and this test will be computer based. Which means that students will solve their question on the copy and mark it in the computer. The entrance exam of CUCET 2022 will be conducted in two shifts in a day. The exam time will be of 3 hours. The question paper of CUET 2022 will consist of a compulsory language test, two domain-specific tests and a general exam.
CUET Syllabus 2023 –
The syllabus for Common University Entrance Test will be as per the model syllabus of class 12 of NCERT. There will be papers based on Section 1A, Section 1B, General Test and Domain Specific Subjects. Section 1A paper will be compulsory and there will be a choice of 13 languages to be given. These include English, Hindi, Assamese, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Gujarati, Malayalam, Marathi, Oriya, Punjabi, Tamil, Telugu and Urdu.
Domains For CUET 2023 –
CUCET 2022 will be conducted for 27 domains including Accountancy, Biology, Biotechnology, Economics, History, Performing Arts like Dance, Theatre, Music, Arts and many more.
Languages for CUET 2023 –
CUET 2023 Entrance Exam will be conducted in 13 languages Hindi, Punjabi, Assamese, Bengali, Oriya, Gujarati, Marathi, Telugu, Malayalam, Kannada, Tamil, Urdu and English.
What is the Benefit for Students? –
Due to this examination, students will not have to take different types of entrance tests for undergraduate courses in universities across the country. Due to the new system, now students will focus more on learning instead of collecting maximum marks in class 12th. This examination system will also reduce the financial burden of the students and parents
List of Participating Universities for CUET 2023 –
Delhi University
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi
Assam University, Silchari
Central University of Andhra Pradesh
Central University of Haryana
Central University of Gujarat
Central University of Jammu
Central University of Jharkhand
Central University of Karnataka
Central University of Kerala
Central University of Punjab
Central University of Rajasthan
Central University of South Bihar
Central University of Tamil Nadu & More
Download CUET 2022 Full Participating University List
Examination Structure for CUET (UG) 2023 –
CUET (UG) – 2023 will consist of the following 4 Sections:
Section IA – 13 Languages
Section IB – 19 Languages
Section II – 27 Domain specific Subjects
Section III – General Test
Level of questions for CUET UG) 2023 –
All questions in various testing areas will be benchmarked at the level of Class XII only. Students having studied Class XII Board syllabus would be able to do well in CUET (UG) – 2022.
Number of Attempts –
If any University permits students of previous years of class XII to take admission in the current year also, such students would also be eligible to appear in CUET (UG) – 2023.
Choice of Languages and Subjects –
Generally the languages/subjects chosen should be the ones that a student has opted in his latest Class XII Board examination. However, if any University permits any flexibility in this regards, the same can be exercised under CUET (UG) 2023 also. Candidates must carefully refer to the eligibility requirements of various Central Universities in this regard. Moreover, if the subject to be studied in the Undergraduate course is not available in the list of 27 Domain Specific Subject being offered, the
Candidate may choose the Subject closest to his choice for e.g. For Biochemistry the candidate may choose Biology.
How to Apply for NTA Common University Entrance Test 2023 – Candidates can apply through link provided below or they can also apply through official site of the NTA before 30 March 2023.
Requisites of Online Application for NTA Common University Entrance Test 2023 –
Scanned Color Photograph in JPEG Format(10kb-200kb)
Scanned clear signature in JPEF Format(4kb- 30kb)
*Desired Qualification Marksheet & Certificates.
Mode of Selection for NTA Common University Entrance Test 2023 – Selection will be based on Online CBT Examination.
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