Latest News > Mangal Lakshmi 9th August 2024 Written Update

Mangal Lakshmi 9th August 2024 Written Update

Mangal Lakshmi 9th August 2024 Written Update
Mangal Lakshmi 9th August 2024 Written Update (image via Colors TV liv)

Mangal Lakshmi

On August 9th, 2024, a tense situation unfolded in the lives of Mangal, Lakshmi, and Adit, filled with misunderstandings and family conflicts. The day started with Shalini’s parents mistakenly thinking Adit might be Sowmya’s lover after seeing them together. They even complimented Adit and Sowmya, saying they looked good together. However, Sowmya quickly cleared the misunderstanding, explaining that Adit is just a colleague who always wins the best employee award at their office. Shalini, realizing the mistake, apologized to Adit and tried to inquire about Sowmya’s special friend. Her husband intervened, asking Shalini to drop the topic and invited Adit to have tea with them, to which Adit agreed.

Mangal Lakshmi- Mangal tried to reassure Akshat

Meanwhile, on another front, Akshat, Mangal’s young child, expressed his reluctance to go to the hostel. He told his grandparents that he preferred staying with them. Mangal tried to reassure him, promising that Adit would bring Ishana home and not send her to the hostel. Although Akshat agreed, he admitted that he missed Ishana. Mangal then sent him off to do his homework. Kusum’s husband expressed his dissatisfaction with Adit’s decision to enroll Ishana in a hostel, emphasizing that he never supported such an idea. Mangal tried to calm him, saying Adit’s decision was made in anger and that he might change his mind. However, Kusum was also upset, believing that Adit made such decisions because he was the breadwinner and didn’t consult the family. When Kusum saw a shadow, she assumed it was Adit and declared that she didn’t want to speak to him.

Mangal Lakshmi- Karthik defended Adit

Karthik, another family member, entered and asked why Kusum didn’t want to talk to him. She explained how she mistakenly thought Adit had returned and mentioned that Karthik was her favorite. Karthik then informed Mangal that he had come to help arrange Adit’s birthday celebrations. However, Mangal, stressed by the ongoing tensions, admitted she had forgotten about it. Kusum told Karthik that because Adit had sent Ishana to a boarding school, they weren’t interested in any celebrations. Karthik defended Adit, suggesting that because Adit loves Ishana, his decision must be the right one.

As tensions simmered at home, Sowmya’s parents continued to press Adit about her love life. Adit, feeling cornered, made an excuse about an important meeting and tried to leave quickly. Before he left for the office, Shalini handed him a tiffin, while Sowmya thought that Adit needed this shock to face his own issues.

Mangal Lakshmi- Mangal advised Lakshmi

Later, Lakshmi reassured Mangal, asking her not to worry, and mentioned that she would be visiting soon. Mangal advised Lakshmi to complete the Diya work that Gayatri had assigned and expressed hope that Adit would miss Ishana on his birthday and bring her back home. She also requested Lakshmi to pray for this outcome.

However, trouble was brewing elsewhere. Sanjana and Nidhi deliberately damaged Lakshmi’s Diya. When Lakshmi discovered the broken Diya, she noticed some clues that pointed to the culprits. She began to follow the trail and was close to catching Nidhi when Sanjana distracted her by pretending to fall, allowing Nidhi to escape.

In the meantime, Sowmya met with Adit outside. Adit, already frustrated, scolded Sowmya for causing him problems without understanding his situation at home. Sowmya, sensing his distress, asked him what was wrong. Adit revealed how everyone at home was angry with him for sending Ishana to boarding school. When Sowmya asked why he made that decision, Adit refused to discuss it further, and Sowmya dropped the matter.

As the day wore on, Sowmya asked Adit about his plans for his birthday, which was the next day. Adit mentioned that he would usually celebrate with Kusum, but she was upset with him. Sowmya then proposed a plan: if she could make Kusum happy and get the whole family to join in, would Adit celebrate his birthday with her? Adit agreed, perhaps seeing a glimmer of hope to mend the strained relationships.

Back at home, Kusum remained upset about Adit’s decision to send Ishana to a hostel. Mangal tried to comfort her, vowing to do whatever it takes to bring Ishana back home. Later, when Adit returned home, he asked his family if they understood that his decision was in Ishana’s best interest. Mangal bluntly replied that they did not agree with him and reiterated that Ishana would never thrive in a hostel environment.

Adding to the tension, Gayatri scolded Lakshmi for the broken Diya, unjustly blaming her for the mishap. Sanjana, who was the actual culprit, watched from a distance and took pleasure in the scene.

The day ended with Mangal trying to reason with Adit. She asked him to allow her to speak with Ishana and confirm that she was okay. Adit, realizing the strain he had put on his family, held his ears in a gesture of regret. The episode closed on this unresolved tension, leaving the family’s future uncertain.

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